Experience of use Cystonette

Experience of using Barlad's Cystonette Crina capsules

Ultrasound revealed chronic cystitis

The first time I heard about cystitis in childhood - my mother frowned, held her stomach and constantly ran to the toilet, I could not help her, so I was very worried. Then she explained what kind of disease it was and said to be more careful about her health. Ten years have passed, and I myself got acquainted with this unpleasant disease. My friends and I went camping and lived by the river for a week. After one of the baths, my lower abdomen began to hurt badly, then there was a burning sensation and a frequent urge to urinate, it seemed that the bladder was full, but attempts to empty itwere accompanied by such pain that tears came out of my eyes. I suffered all day, and we couldn't do anything, there was nothing suitable in the first aid kit, and the nearest town was five kilometers off the road, but then a strong thunderstorm broke outand the road was not safe. I didn't sleep all night and in the morning at dawn my friends and I went to the hospital.

How I found out about Cystonette capsules

Cystonette helped cure chronic cystitis, my bladder is normal

At the doctor's appointment, I had an ultrasound, which showed cystitis, the bladder membrane was inflamed and significantly increased in size. The doctor prescribed me an antibiotic and some kind of fortifying medicine, and I went to the pharmacy. Unfortunately, it was not there, and in another pharmacy, too, I was ready to cry in despair when the pharmacist suddenly suggested that I try another remedy - Cystonette. She bought it for herself, but only had one packet left. While her daughter brought us the drug, we went to the official website and looked at the drug review: composition, indications for use and instructions for use of these capsules. But above all, I was reassured by the words of a pharmacist, who, from her own experience, was convinced of the effectiveness of this remedy, as well as its harmlessness and the absence of side effects in the formfrom thrush (I immediately remembered how my mother complained that because of the antibiotics she began to have problems). Therefore, I was especially grateful to the pharmacy employee for this advice. After collecting the drugs, we returned to the camp.

My experience with Cystonette

By the time we got to our parking lot, it was already evening and I was completely exhausted and exhausted with pain. Perhaps that is why the result after the first dose was so noticeable. The medicine partially eliminated the pain syndrome, the walls of the bladder and canal relaxed, and for the first time in two days I went to the toilet almost normally. After making sure of the effect of the product, I myself ordered two more packages from the official website, a few days later we picked them up in the same city at the post office. I then went to the pharmacy to thank the pharmacist for her help. I took it according to the instructions, in the morning and in the evening, one capsule before meals. Because of me, the guys wanted to get ready to go home, but thanks to Cystonette I quickly recovered, we were able to spend another two weeks on vacation by the river, already without any adventures. When I got back, I went to my doctor and had an ultrasound again - the bladder was normal, no signs of inflammation. Two months have passed since then, I am completely healthy and I feel great.